Sunday 10 August 2014

Back To Basics

I've let myself go a tad. I've been focusing on my professional goals and let my fitness goals slide.

Yesterday I could have gone for a run, I could have done a circuit at home, I could have done something but instead I sat on the sofa and watched episode after episode of Heroes.

I've got a scheduled run tomorrow after work and I'm in no shape to do it, which is a bit terrifying seeing as Tough Mudder is on Saturday. 

I've been put off by the gym because a guy has made me feel uncomfortable but I miss it. I was doing so well.

Barbados is a mere 10 weeks away and I need to be in better shape for it. My only option is to go all in; be strict with what I eat, NO alcohol (except at Carnival) and bite the bloody bullet and just go to the gym 4 times a week until I get my mojo back.

I can fit it all in despite me having said that I can't, I'm just lazy and have chosen to eat crap and watch TV instead of doing something that's going to get me closer to my end goal.

No more excuses - famous last words *rolls eyes*

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