Friday 10 January 2014

Attack of the DOMS


Yesterday wasn't that bad. Yes my quads were aching a little bit but NOTHING like today. Walking downstairs makes me want to cry and don't get me started on how they feel after I've been seated for a while.


To get technical - my rectus femoris ache a lot, but both vastus lateralis… O.M.G unreal kind of pain.

And yet I love it because it's not bad pain, it's just my body's way of telling me "Hey b*tch, I'm shocked. You've shocked me!" And so it should be! I worked out like a beast on Wednesday night and I plan to continue. It's time to shake things up a bit.

I'm a cardio/classes kinda girl, so doing weighted squats - squats at ALL - deadlifts, lunges and those bloody mountain climbers, my body has no idea what has happened. But it better get used to it because this is my new workout routine.

I'm still going to run because I've got a 10K run in July to train for and I want a PB (personal best) but I want to start seeing definition of these strong muscles of mine. I want, come Summer, people to see the results of my time spent at the gym and think 'Oh yeah, you can see she works out.'

HELL YEAH I DO - Grrrrrrrr

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