Friday 8 August 2014

Do what you love, love what you do

I've found it. The thing I've been searching for my whole adult life.

Not love, but a career.

I've never known 'what I want to be' when I grow up. I've had an idea or two, worked towards making them happen but it never quite felt right.

Finally, I feel like I'm good at something and I have passion for it, which makes ALL the difference.

Working with my coach I feel more focused. I have to prepare for each session and end with a goal I hope to meet in 3-4 weeks, I'm actually dedicating time to this and it feels great.

I've been putting a lot of pressure on myself to do everything all at the same time, and despite Tough Mudder being next week, my fitness has been the thing to suffer. But I'm being good with my diet and I'm walking more so I'm not completely sedentary, just wish I had more motivation to buff up the body.

But I'm happy to say that all the effort I've put into my role for the last 5 months has been noticed and I have received a much appreciated pay rise.

This weekend I need to sit down and work through my coaching goals in preparation for next week. Yes I have long-term goals but for now I need to take baby steps.

It's all happening, finally and I'm motivated to keep up the momentum.

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