Monday 7 April 2008

Putting yourself out there

Despite giving myself the 'talk' on my way to work this morning, I expected a response.

Me1 - "You won't get one. You know you won't. He's not like that."
Me2 - "I know but I can't help but think.."
Me1 - "Don't get your hopes up honey. I know you want to hear something back but don't expect anything."
Me2 - "You're right. I won't get anything."
Me1 - "Good girl."
Me2 - "You don't think maybe?"
Me1 - "No. Don't think about it."
Me2 - "You know I'm going to check my gmail account as soon as I get in though, don't you?"
Me1 - "Sigh. I know. Fingers crossed. I want there to be a response."
Me2 - "Me too."

I put it off for as long as I could... 20 minutes. No response. But I already knew that'd be the case.

1 comment:

Good 'Uns said...

that's miles better than mine...

Me1: "You should have asked that girl for her number you pussy"
Me2: "she never would have given it to me"
Me3: "even if she had it would have been out of pity"
Me2: "why?"
Me4: "because you're a cunt"
Me2: "fuck off"
*Me4 leaves.*
Me1: "well done, you just fucked off your only friend"
Me3: "cunt."