Monday 22 July 2013

Summer weekend - there's nothing like it

So, Saturday night saw me celebrating 2 years of being in love! Awwwww, I know. But it's totally something I should celebrate because my beautiful boyf is someone who is strong enough to pull me up on all my bullsh*t behaviour/excuses/outlook; is supportive enough to let me cry on his shoulder or chest (whichever is readily available) just because I need to cry and for no other reason; as well as being kind, and silly, enough to play-fight with me late at night when he has to get up at the crack of dawn because I am restless.

Blimey this boy needs a medal for putting up with me :)

Anyway that's not the point of this post, the point is that I booked us tickets to see Thriller - LIVE and it was totally awesome!!!!!

At first I wasn't entirely sure what I was supposed to be watching because I didn't read anything about the show leading up to the date we had tickets for it, after all I was going because of my love for MJ hits not the shows ratings. Within minutes I was singing away to some early J5 hit songs, initially quietly because I'd already partly embarrassed myself by accusing the girl sitting next to me of being my one of my booked seats before I realised that I had in fact read the seat numbers wrong in my excitement to get in there. Then they had us up dancing, part-taking in the show and I loved every second of it.

The performance to Dirty Diana, one of my favourite tunes, was just as erotic and 'dirty' as the tone of the song. When it was over I had a sore throat from screaming, hollering, hollering and whooping and a sudden urge to dance the night away.Unfortunately the boyf was pooped, so we walked through the busy streets of Soho until we got to our bus stop, singing an array of Michael's songs to each other in the cool Summer breeze.

Sunday brought with it an energetic start, for me anyway as I am lazy remember, and I hit the boyf's studio for a run through of a new circuit session. As I type this a day later I can confirm that my pecs and shoulder burn a little but it's that good pain. That kind of pain that tells me I did something my muscles are not used too. Don't get me wrong I still need all the motivation help I can get when it comes to not eating crap and hitting the gym but as long as I can get myself there 2-3 times a week I'm happy.

After a cold shower, because the heat makes me a freaking hot mess, the boyf and I packed up an impromptu picnic and headed to Hyde Park for some summer sunning with a couple of friends. 

All in all, it was a great weekend full of sunshine, friends and laughter. Such a shame everyday can't be as perfect :)

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