Sunday 7 July 2013

That morning after the night before feeling

I'm in a bizarre space at the minute. I'm not sure if I'm just in a mood or suffering from a hangover. 

To give you some context, I spent a lot of yesterday in the sun. I'm not pasty as the few days of sunshine we have had this year, I've been blessed with catching some colour but even so, it's always nice to sit out in the sun. I drank lots of water to keep well hydrated, watched some of the Lions game, a little of the women's final (tennis) and then went out to a party last night that I didn't really want to go to but was duty bound. Had an okay time but I drank a lot of cheap, horrible tasting wine to get through it.

The result was that I slept badly.

I dreamt that I was in a place surrounded by tall glass buildings, with people I know from work but also some family members, and bombs kept exploding causing shards of glass to rain all round me. I spent most of the dream trying to figure out the location of the next bomb to go off in order to run from it, dragging a friend or family member away with me.

So now I'm a bit 'meh'.

I'm currently at the boyf's parent's house in Devon and tomorrow morning shall see me up at the crack of dawn to catch a train back to London so I can go to work. I am not a morning person so you can imagine, I'm not looking forward to that AT ALL.

Maybe it is just a mood brought on by the wine, which essentially means it's a hangover. I hope it f***s off soon because it's doing my head in.

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