Wednesday 26 June 2013

Lets get physical

So Zumba last night was pretty intense. 

I wasn't so sure about it at first, there were only 7 of us and the instructor kept trying to get us to make noises to show our enthusiasm, which was consistently met with silence so also a bit cringe, but once we'd warmed up I started to thoroughly enjoy myself. 

Having not done any real exercise in several weeks, and hadn't attended a Zumba class since October 2012, I found myself seriously sweating and more than a little out of breath but I kept going, giving every move everything I could muster at that moment. The result - an amazing high!

The instructor also paid me an awesome compliment when she asked if I was an instructor myself, which has only fuelled my enthusiasm to start going on a regular basis. 

I love it when you work out and have fun! It feels a hell of a lot more rewarding. 

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