Monday 24 June 2013

Get back on that horse!

Not literally. I'm actually referring to... exercise *shudder*.

Considering I was quite athletic at school and have a PT as a boyfriend, I'm ridiculously lazy. Where I fall off is consistency. I do not go regularly enough.

I signed up to a pretty cool gym in April, Market Sports, which is literally 10 minutes walk from my flat but guess how many times I've gone? Three times. THREE! And they've got a cool chlorine free swimming pool and a steam room *rolls eyes at self*

I have an okay body, but like most women, I see room for improvement. I'd like to trim some fat from my waist, tone my arms and back and get rid of the orange peel effect that's trying really hard to work itself on to my thighs.

I'm not going to achieve any of that sitting at my desk or slumped on my sofa eating chunks of cheese - I actually do this, no joke.

So, how do you enthuse yourself to do something you do not want to do? Find something fun is often the best advise people have to offer.

I used to love Zumba, even obtained an instructor certificate, but stopped going when I joined a new company and couldn't make the classes any more. I'm not exactly sure why I didn't try to find another class - I guess that there is a major sign of my laziness.

Oooh I've just found one that is super close to my flat and it's running a class tomorrow night! Whoop.

Well, here goes..... Fit booty, here I come (I hope)

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