Thursday, 3 May 2007


I know some people have already read this because I posted it on my Myspace page and Hi5 but I thought that I'd open up the debate to the rest of the world (since I don't use many more social networks).

Basically, I hate the toilet paper my work place provides. The only other place I've had a worse experience with it was when I was on holiday in New York. There it was like wiping your arse with a post-it. Things just got messy!

So, why can't employers just provide us with an enjoyable 'potty' experience?

My work place has an issue with the toilet paper they buy. No, no actually that's wrong, I have an issue with the toilet paper my work place buys. It's CHEAP!

I used to have issues with getting my hands wet (Yes that's right) I'd practically finger myself while trying to wipe because the tissue would rip.

So I decided to use close to half the roll, which I then found hard to flush. Peeing should be a no-brainer but I'm having to calculate tissue paper against water pressure (I really didn't need the added annoyance)

But I put up with it, mainly because I refuse to bring in my own. Oh and guys.... Air Freshner please?!

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