Thursday 24 April 2014

Big Girl's Panties

After yesterday's depressing post I went home last night, skipping the gym yet again, and decided that for things to change, I need to take action.

The fact is, I'm not going to win the lottery. Money would most definitely ease my worries but it wouldn't cure my ills. I cannot jump on a plane or disappear to the countryside to escape my life as much as I'd like to, my problems will just follow me there.

Because the problems are within me.

My lack of confidence, the ease with which I give in to the path of least resistance, choose instant gratification instead of putting in the hard graft for long-term results.

It's most evident in my lack of training (fitness) but I do it in all areas of my life - studies, financials, work.  

I woke up today and I felt like sh*t about myself, and a very real conversation with a friend last night reminded me that our current ‘now’ is a product of our choices.

I wanted to write a post today and I didn't really have a topic in mind until I saw the image above. It was something my friend posted a while back and it was suddenly clear that I need to get off my arse, stop feeling so sorry for myself and get on track.

My mission: to make better choices!

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