Wednesday 21 August 2013

Gonna run till I don't jiggle

Due to this break-up I'm trying to do more things, have more experiences, to aid the 'I'm getting over you' process. I've signed up to a mucky 12k challenge and am dragging my friend along with me for the company. Why? I have NO fricking idea especially as I suffered for a whole WEEK after the Zest 10k challenge in June, the difference will be that this time I plan to train.

Last night I decided that instead of going to the gym, where it's hot, sticky and smelly, I'd try my hand at outdoor running. The sun was out and it was a nice temperature, so I headed to the park and did a couple of laps.

By the time I finished the first lap I felt like my feet were on fire along with my lungs! I pushed myself to do another lap, hoping that I'd have run for at least the required 20 minutes. When I came to a standstill I pulled out my phone out to check my time - 15 minutes!! I should have started up again and attempted another lap but my poor chest was rattling and my legs were shaking. DEFEATED. I just checked how far I ran… a disappointing 2.6 km. *sigh* Well I guess that's 20% of the challenge covered.

I'm following a 6 week programme I found on t'internet, which I plan to follow religiously, and in the meantime pay attention to what I'm putting in my gob too. Why not make the most of this 'experience'?

So I'm warning you now readers, the next 6 weeks you may find I'll be ranting about how much pain I'm in and how hungry or bored of protein I might be. The rate of swear words used will definitely increase but come 7th October I'll have accomplished my challenge!

(Seriously, what the hell am I doing?)

I feel reasonably okay today, a little tired maybe but no aching muscles or chesty cough. Plan to head to the gym (this time) tomorrow and meet my 25 minute target. It says 'easy run' but after yesterday's performance it can be no less that moderate. BOOM, let's do this!

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