Wednesday 7 August 2013

Maintaining focus

When something like a break-up comes along to shake your world up a bit, it's almost like a snow globe effect. Your plans, living arrangements, aspirations go up in the air and settle in a different place. You do not have, or you have little, control of where they land.

I'm currently struggling with my concentration at work. I'm questioning if what I'm doing is what I want - along with a lot of things.

For some reason lots of people at work are asking to be linked with me on LinkedIn, so this morning I clicked on to the website to accept the invitations. I came across the following article: How To Stay Engaged When Your Job Sucks by Ilya Pozin, CEO of Open Me. Columnist for Inc, Forbes & LinkedIn. Serial Entrepreneur.

I'm hoping that it will help me in the meantime, and if it can assist any of you too whether you're going through a break-up or just generally unsure of where you are in your life or profession then I'm glad to have brought it to your attention.

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