Tuesday 20 August 2013

Find the ones worth suffering for

Okay so this post goes out to my friends and family, who have shown their true colours this past month. You guys rock - hardcore! 

Urban Dictionary
A conflictingly, unproven belief that all of life's problems/obstacles can all be conquered/averted by simply believing in friendship, or the belief in others close to a particular individual or group of friends.

Sad to say but when shit hits the fan, you can clearly identify who your friends for a 'season' are in all their glory. It can be a bloody painful realisation, and the pain feels 100 times worse if you're already going through something emotionally challenging. You've invested a great deal of time in a relationship and it suddenly buckles under-pressure.

I received an amazingly touching message over the weekend from someone I've never necessarily considered close (mainly as it's an ex connection). Her words cut through the bullshit and hit my core. It was everything I'd been feeling, fearing, questioning and suddenly there it was, summed up beautifully.

"I think one of the hardest parts about deciding what you want is admitting the possibility that it may involve leaving people behind - that your relationships won't stand up to the changes you're making to be more you. It's painful to look at this possibility, because at one point those relationships were vital, had a spark and a connection. The prospect of leaving them behind, and the prospect that someone might let me leave, is gut-wrenching because it makes me wonder if that connection was real, or if I imagined it in the first place."

Please don't get me wrong. Real friendship is not something I've just learned about, I know I have great friends and I feel undoubtedly blessed because of it. It makes me smile to know I have so many people who care for me that are not just blood relations. I just wanted to share the love with you.

“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.” 
― Bob Marley

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