Friday 18 October 2013

Train journey from hell

"Er, excuse me, you're sitting in my seat"

The woman I've spoken to looks up at me and then around at empty chairs surrounding us. 

"Can you not sit somewhere else? I'm all comfy now."

I'd be fucking comfy too if you got out of my fucking seat, but instead I did that English thing we do and not cause a scene.

Now I'm stuck with an older guy resting his musty smelling arse on my shoulder after he's thrust his groin in my face a few times whilst trying to put his bags on the rack above my head. 

And I'm not saying anything because I don't want to cause a scene!

It's been 20 minutes since he got on and invasion of my personal space started. If by the first station my situation hasn't improved I'm either going to snap and elbow him in the groin or I'll ask him 'politely' to move his wrinkly arse outta my face! 

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