Tuesday 15 October 2013

It's those little things

I got my hair did - done :) and I think I look completely different.

It's taking some getting used to because there's a lot of it and it's much heavier but it's nice to feel different, even if it's superficial.

I sat at home last night reading some chick lit on my kindle and I had my iTunes playing a loud on random. Suddenly this song came on, I didn't even know I was paying any attention to it until I burst into tears - oh dear. And that was it. It took about 45 minutes to get a hold of myself again but for the rest of the evening my head swam with memories and I was overtaken with a new sense of loss.

It's been over a month since I last saw him - the longest time period in 2 years. I still think about him every day in some way or another but I must confess that it is getting easier… obviously when I'm not hijacked by traitorous repressed emotions. I hope that he misses me too but there is a good chance that he doesn't, and that's okay it really is because we're no longer a couple, we no longer have ties, and most importantly he's entitled to move on.

I'm currently busy looking for new rooms to rent, in fact I've got two viewings this evening, which is exciting. But I am in a bind, I'm not sure if I should tell my landlord that I'm looking or just surprise him with a month's notice once I've found a place.

I've also got three exciting weekends lined up. This week I'm off to the country to visit my grandparents where I'm also planning on attempting my first 7-10 mile run (eek), next weekend I'm going to the ARCTIC MONKEYS CONCERT, visiting the BRUTAL exhibition, have a dinner party invite for a friend's birthday and a brunch date, and the following weekend I'm dressing up for Halloween for work, going to two fancy dress parties - Great Gatsby themed for my cousin's 18th and 90's pop acts themed for my friend's 29th. And that's October done and dusted.

I'm grateful for my health, my friends and family and for the little things that make me smile every day.

If you're going through something similar, it's not hopeless but it helps to just get through each day as it comes x

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