Friday 18 October 2013

One of those days

Already today most things are annoying me.
I'm too hot
My head itches (apparently it's where my scalp is exposed)
I can't sleep properly, because of all this hair, so I'm tired 
Every song that plays on my iTunes this morning is making me think of him
And, oh yeah I seem to have mislaid some of my salary this month *rolls eyes*

Luckily two things today make this all bearable:

  1. I'm going to see my favourite auntie and my grandparents 
I'm almost as excited about that last one as I would be if someone told me we'd be getting paid today!

I've also kind of found my outfit for my colleagues birthday party. I think I mentioned this before, it's a 90's themed fancy dress party and me, along with 4 others, are going as spice girls. Can you guess who I'm going to be?

Of course, Scary!

Now had this party been a month ago, I'd already have the perfect hair for it but as it happens I'm going to need to locate a wig for the occasion. I'm sorry, what? eBay, I hear you say? Uh huh - purchased for £5. Hmm, now I'm starting to see where my money is going and it's all stuff that I'll only wear on occasion... but at least I'll look bloody fantastic.
Happy Friday everybody!

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