Friday 27 December 2013

Metal and Dust

I'm not very good at letting go. I flirt with the idea of moving on every now and again but I've yet to give it my best shot. 

The thing is, I'm still 'in love' with what was. The future hasn't won me over just yet. 

I think I secretly like hurting myself, reliving the moments I cherished the most, the ones that give me the most pain... How f***ed up is that? 

Yesterday I cried because he didn't text me Merry Christmas... It's been five months! I should be stronger than that and yet I'm aware that a year ago today we moved into our flat. 

I got teary listening to London Grammar's version of Nightcall as I was travelling to meet a friend to do something FUN! 

I'm SO sick of this. 

If I've learnt anything it's that the more you love, the more it hurts when it ends - so just don't bother. 

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