Friday 28 March 2008

First Impressions

I've just been thinking. Having just completed my 'flirt test' and been speaking to Katie about getting to know new people (men)... what's the right way to go about it? Every day I speak to at least one person who is looking to meet or has met a good-looking member of the opposite sex and is questioning how to make the best impression. It's nuts that this occupies so much of our thoughts.

I remember way back when (I must have been about 12) telling a guy I went to school with that I liked him and he laughed... in my face, in the middle of the playground. I wanted to die. Extreme damage to self-esteem. And yet 2 years later he was doing everything in his power to get me to notice him. I know, I know, the power of growing breasts but still. How ridiculous is that? I wanted him, he wouldn't give me the time of day. I stopped wanting him and suddenly he knows who I am and all the things I like.

Even now, when I'm in a bar and I see someone I like, I've now got the confidence to go up to him and suggest he buys me a drink ;) but for a second, a split second, I hear the laughter again.

First impression? I'm not going to lie, it's important, but the second and third are when you can really secure the deal.

So, as long as your breath is fresh, your face isn't droopy from a large consumption of alcohol, you're hygienic in the places that really matter and you can hold a decent conversation, I'd say your first impression is home free.

Just don't use "Did it hurt?" as your opening line :/

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