Friday 28 March 2008

Yoga, Pilates, Abs Blast = Perfect body in 22 weeks

Ok, so now I am completely up-to-date. And today I'm not feeling well :( Woe is me.

I'm trying my best to get fit after watching Kareen and Monique batter the gym over the last few weeks and what with my new journey downhill into old age (to all those I know over 25, I'm only joking... :/ ) I thought it's about time I dust off my gym pass and attend myself.

Even though I was scheduled to go to Pilates with Kareen, she cancelled last minute, but considering her unrelenting attendance in the past couple of weeks I don't blame her. Suddenly I found myself starting to list reasons not to go myself. I'm notorious for being lazy when it comes to exercise, I need people to bully me into going because I'm useless at motivating myself.

BUT I have a goal to reach and only 22 weeks to meet it, so it was a hard decision between alcoholic beverage and Ferrer Rocher or stretches, meditation and a walk in the cold... I took the latter.

In the end the woman taking the class didn't turn up so Kriss and I went back to mine to "do some DIY exercise". A couple of glasses of wine, a few handstands, and Ben's Steak dish, later we were all talking about sex (of course).

This morning, though, I woke up with a severe sore throat and sharp pains shooting through my stomach. I didn't want to brush my hair, let alone travel to work on the packed underground.

And why is it that women look so bloody unfriendly in the morning? I mean for goodness sake!! We all make a face like someone has slapped us with a wet fish. Have yourself an orgasm ladies before you go to sleep, naturally brought on or mechanical. It always makes me smile the next day.

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