Friday 28 March 2008

Up late, can't sleep, baring soul - Welcome!

If my life was someone else's I'd be shaking my head and thinking "she's fucked!"

But the craziest thing is that I feel a strange calm.

I need many things in my life;
Money - I'm happy with someone else's, Friends, Family, Happiness - yes, I mentioned the 'H' word again, but something I realised recently is I also need Time.

I have loved, deeply, and lost. Ever since I've been battling with getting over it, replacing the hole he left with drink, drugs and sex (no, not rock'n'roll) but at the end of the day I'm still empty.

Where I've been finding it hard, they've found it much easier and I'm happy for them, really. At first it hurt like a mother f**ker but eventually I realised that I WILL get there, I just need a little longer.

The same applies with my life. From the outside I look like I have no idea what I'm doing, and I'll let you in on a little secret... I don't! I'm completely winging it. I've never known what I wanted to do and still to this day, 41 days till I turn twenty-five, I'm just as clueless.

But I'm not giving up hope. Because I know in time I'll figure out what I'm meant to do with my life, and I'll find someone to replace the drink, drugs... I think I'll keep the sex. But in the meantime, keep a look out for my late night soul baring sessions. I'll be here all week x

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