Friday 28 March 2008

Just can't be bothered - Another rant at life

Why are some days just SUCH an effort? Once you wake up all you can think about is going back to sleep.

Are there times when you just can't be bothered to:

*Get up in the morning
*Have a shower (I know people who fail to know the importance of being clean)
*Make the journey into work
*Work itself
*Make the journey home from work
*Cook dinner
*Go to the gym
*Wash your hair, dry/wrap it, grease it, straighten it
*even watch TV

And then, finally, you slip under the duvet in your favourite PJs, snuggle down until you're all warm and comfy, you close your eyes and heave out a big sigh because you're happy the day is at an end. And what happens next?

You find you can't BLOODY sleep!

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