Wednesday 5 February 2014

Running myself into the ground

After a long break from the gym over the Christmas period and then being written off for 3 weeks because of the horrendous cold I was suffering from, I managed a 5km treadmill run last Tuesday morning (BEFORE work people, get me!) and attempted a 7k outdoor run Saturday just gone.

My chest burnt like hell as I tried to control my breathing without hocking up the gunk settling in my lungs, and I could really feel it in my feet and calves.

In fact, I only managed to complete 6 of my planned 7k on Saturday because my calves began to feel so tight it hurt when I rolled onto the balls of my feet because the muscles/tendons were being stretched. It was like someone was sticking hot pins in the backs of my ankles whilst I was running. And I so wanted to do the entire route, but I ended up walking the rest of the way home, and gently stretched when I got there. All I could think about was, where's the MAT specialist ex when you need him? :)

I hate running, HATE it. What I love is the feeling of accomplishment once I've managed to go for a run.

I love the challenge of bettering my time per km, or going that little bit further than last time. I'm literally in competition with myself, each time I work out.

I've recently started using an interval treadmill programme. After the first complete run, I'd clocked just over 5k but my time was 10 minutes longer than if I just went for it, so the next time I did it I upped the jog pace by 0.5 mph and upped the running pace my 1 mph. I felt more of a challenge on the run, even though it only lasted a minute, and it took me that little bit longer to recover but I felt exhilarated. Pumped, you might say.

My next scheduled run is an outdoor one in the countryside. I've planned an 8k route but if I only manage 6-7 I won't cry about it, though I will be disappointed with myself.

Ultimately, the fact I even get out of the door is an achievement :D

Let's keep on running b*tches!  

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