It's that time of year when pretty much ALL motivation for fitness, bar making sure you can fit into that LBD, goes flat - as flat as you wished your stomach would be but isn't because…
it's that time of year!
I feel horrible but it's as if I cannot stop. The intention is there, I want to be fitter, trimmer, stronger, but I just keep on giving into the laziness.
I've touched on this a few times over the last 3 months, it's a reoccurring theme for me but I'd really love to know:
How do you keep the motivation to exercise?
It's never too late to make a start but I do feel it's pointless in December. However, I'm not going to let THAT let me off the hook so I WILL go to the gym this evening. I WILL run 5k, I WILL use the ab machine and then I'll go home, eat eggs, epilate my legs and go to bed early again.
I've ripped the following of off
Fitwatch in the hope that:
a) I'll remember I wrote this and make use of the tips
b) You find this interesting and can make use of the tips
So here goes…
Find A Role Model
Who has that “perfect” body that you would love to have?
Many women tape up pictures of someone they aspire to be like, as it's a great way to keep your goals fresh in your mind, and to remind you what you’re striving towards.
Make sure that you choose someone deserving of your admiration – not someone who has an impossible to achieve image.
Set Small Goals
If you have set the bar too high by setting goals that are too tough to reach, you’re setting yourself up to be disappointed.
Just set smaller, easy to achieve goals and work your way towards the bigger goals. Start with something simple like, “I will work out three times this week.”
Reward Yourself
Setting goals is a great way to get yourself going in an exercise program, but if you have a hard time keeping yourself going, don’t be afraid to offer yourself rewards for any small achievements.
Just remember that if you’re working out to lose weight, don’t reward yourself with food!
Get A Buddy
Having someone to work out with makes it much more fun, and will keep you more motivated to exercise. Having a buddy makes it much harder for you to skip your workout, because they will be there to hold you accountable.
If you can’t find a buddy to work out with, hire a personal trainer to give you that extra push.
Make It Fun
Exercise doesn’t have to be boring or repetitive. If you don’t like your exercise routine, change it and make it more exciting.
If your exercise routine is fun, you will end up looking forward to exercise, instead of dreading it.
Mix It Up
Anything you do over and over every day is going to get boring, no matter how motivated you are to succeed. Find several different exercises you enjoy, and alternate.
Whenever you find yourself getting bored with a workout, replace it with something else you enjoy, and go back to it again when you’re ready.
Don’t Take It Too Seriously
If you start treating exercise like hard work, that’s exactly what it will become. Don’t let yourself get a bad attitude towards exercising, or you will be more likely to give up.
Staying motivated isn’t hard if you approach your exercise program with an open mind. Be flexible and let yourself have fun.
I go to a GYMBOX gym franchise and it's full of people who already look like they workout every day, eat uber healthily (tofu, sushi and whatnot) and never drink. I'd love to get involved in a class but I'm worried that I'll look like a fool as I've never done it before. Everyone else look like professionals!
So… how does one get over ones self? To be continued…