Thursday, 30 May 2013

Working 9 to 5

*Sigh* I'm having trouble at work, in the sense that I never want to be here.

I've never really known what I wanted to do with my life - work wise - and I'm still struggling. I used to work at a college coordinating international visits, but thought I wanted to be a Project Manager. I then got a job as a Project Manager, realised what a thankless job it is and hated every second of it so handed in my notice.

The sense of relief was amazing and I felt free to explore what else was out there. I love the freedom my boyfriend has with his day. Yeah he has to get up at god-awful times in the morning, but he gets to nap during the day. Or if the freaking sun decides to grace us with it's presence, he gets to relax in the park topping up his tan!

Last year I went to a Zumba workshop, bought for me by my boyfriend, which resulted in me obtaining an instructor's certificate. I'd always been far too scared to consider making a living from it but this time round I suddenly had the enthusiasm and gusto to potentially go for it.

Then an opportunity presented itself to me at my old company. I hadn't even finished working my notice yet, but given my feedback as to why I chose to hand in my notice (lack of training) and feedback they had received from others, I was offered the position to set up our own training department. Now, I've got absolutely NO training experience but I want to make this work. If I am passionate about one thing it's supporting the well-being of staff. I know what it's like to have work drive you to depression. Life can be one hell of a bitch at the best of times, so I want to assist with work being the place that helps pay your bills, but also stretches your mind.

So I have days when I'm all go, go, go! And then I hit a wall and all creativity, momentum, motivation disappears and suddenly all I can think about is being at home, nursing the baby my boyfriend refuses to give me at this moment in time :)

I will make something of this role. I have to. I will not be that 30 year old woman who has no idea what she wants or has nothing to show for the 18 years in work.

Powered by such a depressing goal, I'm reaching out to old colleagues who work or worked in Education, Management & Leadership for tips. It's not what you know but who, right?!

Let's get this party started.  

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Taking care of the fam

My nan & grandad are getting on a bit now. Neither of them can really get around easily and I swear they rattle when they move for the number of pills they have to take. 

I love them dearly and am dreading the day *sob*, you catch my drift. But I've got to say what scares me most, hand on heart, is my grandad's driving in his death trap of a car. I swear to god, my hands ache after a trip with him from gripping the seat in fear for my life! 

So I'm in a bid to get my siblings and cousins saving £100-£150 a piece between now and Christmas (should be a piece of piss, right?) so we can go in together on a secondhand car. It's got to be better than what they've got now. We've also got to consider the state of my grandad's driving... there's no chance I'm trusting him with a new one. 

I just hope the family will all be on board. 

All for one....

Friday, 10 May 2013

Fish and Chips

It was only a medium but I polished the whole thing - plus a bread roll with which I made a chip butty. 

May have overdone it on the carbs tonight ha ha ha


So in a months time I will be strutting down the streets of London Town in a skin tight Avatar costume - I promise to upload a picture (eek!)

But I spent this May Bank Holiday weekend drinking a lot of alcohol; this on top of a pretty bad diet for the last couple of months. However, in my head I can kind of turn this around in 21 days. How, you ask? How indeed! I'm freaking out over here.

What I will not do is starve myself or set out to commit to a ridiculously unrealistic exercise regime that I know I'm going to sack off after my first attempt.  

So I'm increasing the amount of healthy things I do already in an effort to not just make me look good in this outfit - and I will look Beyonce FIERCE come June 1st - but also make a long term improvement to my lifestyle.

I am hoping that because these are such simple changes I might be able to stick with them. So here's what I'm doing:

1) Drinking more water - I am terrible at this because I find water so boring, but I read that it also includes herbal teas. Sainsbury's will definitely see it's Peppermint sales go up this month.

My buff, intelligent PT of a boyfriend has also advised me that it's better to reuse glass bottles because plastic can house excess oestrogen, which apparently I retain and is the answer to why I've got a sneaky muffin top.

2) Get plenty of sleep - I love sleep and I have no problem sleeping in till late in the mornings but I tend to wake up in the night which disturbs the quality of the sleep I'm getting. How to resolve this? No liquid intake after 8pm and no TV/iPhone/iPad/Laptop an hour before bed.

3) Get those veggies in - upping the anti on the vegetable intake and reducing the simple carbs.

4) Do some friggin exercise! - I can't kick myself too much here because technically I walk to work every day, so that's 30 minutes of medium pace cardio 10 times a week but I need to incorporate a couple of high intensity cardio and resistance training sessions into my week to see further improvements.

That's all doable right? We'll see. I've been doing this for 2 days so far. Will update you on my progress next week, especially as my nan's just text me to say we're having Fish & Chips for dinner tonight! Whoops

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Getting back into the habit

For me that statement covers a variety of things – eating right, hitting the gym and reacquainting myself with an old flame, writing. I struggle with them all. Why? Basically I’m a part-time ambitious individual. 

I can work hard. I like the idea of it, but in reality I like nothing more than getting home from work, collapsing on the sofa; my only exercise being an arm stretch to reach the TV remote or a dash to the toilet during the ad breaks. Such a contrast from the boyfriend, a super buff personal trainer who eats a lot of protein, drinks his greens and believes cottage cheese is a treat - bleurgh. 

Why have I left it so long? I really have no clue. I’d occasionally get the urge but I wouldn’t be in the right situation to do anything about it there and then, it would get forgotten, time would pass, blah, blah, excuses, excuses. 

So now it’s May 2013. Summer is teasing its way back into our lives, my best friends have had babies, I am finally in a strong, loving relationship, living it up in Central London. 

I need to get my body ready for a fancy dress party in a month where I'm going as Neytiri from Avatar (what am I thinking?!) and start documenting my random every day experiences because they make me who I am – and that person is utterly FABULOUS - you need a bit of that in your world ;) 

Let’s start this show!