Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Lets get physical

So Zumba last night was pretty intense. 

I wasn't so sure about it at first, there were only 7 of us and the instructor kept trying to get us to make noises to show our enthusiasm, which was consistently met with silence so also a bit cringe, but once we'd warmed up I started to thoroughly enjoy myself. 

Having not done any real exercise in several weeks, and hadn't attended a Zumba class since October 2012, I found myself seriously sweating and more than a little out of breath but I kept going, giving every move everything I could muster at that moment. The result - an amazing high!

The instructor also paid me an awesome compliment when she asked if I was an instructor myself, which has only fuelled my enthusiasm to start going on a regular basis. 

I love it when you work out and have fun! It feels a hell of a lot more rewarding. 

Monday, 24 June 2013

Get back on that horse!

Not literally. I'm actually referring to... exercise *shudder*.

Considering I was quite athletic at school and have a PT as a boyfriend, I'm ridiculously lazy. Where I fall off is consistency. I do not go regularly enough.

I signed up to a pretty cool gym in April, Market Sports, which is literally 10 minutes walk from my flat but guess how many times I've gone? Three times. THREE! And they've got a cool chlorine free swimming pool and a steam room *rolls eyes at self*

I have an okay body, but like most women, I see room for improvement. I'd like to trim some fat from my waist, tone my arms and back and get rid of the orange peel effect that's trying really hard to work itself on to my thighs.

I'm not going to achieve any of that sitting at my desk or slumped on my sofa eating chunks of cheese - I actually do this, no joke.

So, how do you enthuse yourself to do something you do not want to do? Find something fun is often the best advise people have to offer.

I used to love Zumba, even obtained an instructor certificate, but stopped going when I joined a new company and couldn't make the classes any more. I'm not exactly sure why I didn't try to find another class - I guess that there is a major sign of my laziness.

Oooh I've just found one that is super close to my flat and it's running a class tomorrow night! Whoop.

Well, here goes..... Fit booty, here I come (I hope)

Friday, 21 June 2013

What makes you happy?!

For me it's

I loved someone once before, when I was young. What we had to start with was magical. 

When we were apart, I was so excited to see him again, I cried when we had to say goodbye, I drove 2.5 hours to spend the night in his arms and then left at the crack of dawn to make it back in time for work. 

We decided to live together after 3 months of being a couple - we'd known each other already for 6 years. Two and a half years later, he left for San Fran to chase his dreams and I stayed behind trying to find mine. 

I loved him as best I knew how but times were not always great. We hurt each other through our words, I expected a lot from him and in turn he urged me to be a more ambitious person, eventually he fell out of love with me.

It took a long time for my heart to heal after that and I found myself drawn to someone completely different. He made me laugh and opened me up again. I started to think about a future with someone again, wanted to support someone emotionally, to feel trusted and intimate. 

However, he wasn't quite ready for that. At least, not with me. Yeah, that hurt but I was quite thankful to him for it because it just proved that I could and would love again. 

After that, I stopped looking for love. I needed a break from it to allow my wounded heart to mend. But it wasn't long before I started seeing someone. 

He was lovely. Nothing like the first, and absolutely nothing like the second. We had a laugh, there was obviously chemistry between us, he was easy to talk to and he made it clear that he felt the same ease around me. We were happy just being 'friends'. 

Before I knew it, I started to really like him. I wanted to spend more time with him, share more of myself with him - after 3 months I confessed to my bestie (best friend) I wanted more from him - but I fought it a little while longer because I wasn't sure I was emotionally ready to try again. 

Eventually I told him what I wanted, a boyfriend - eek, and he wasn't keen. Ha ha. Like me, he wasn't sure he was ready. I wasn't upset, a little disappointed I guess but you can't help how you feel. I thought that was it but he still wanted to see me so we agreed to just take it a day at a time. 

Six hundred and ninety days later, we've lived together for fifteen months and are still going strong. He makes me a better person. I love being in his company and he has me in frequent fits of laughter. Even when he's 10,263 miles away, he still manages to make me smile. 

But you don't have to be in love to be happy. This is just what makes me happy today. Most other days, it's chocolate ;) 


Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Summer's here

It doesn't matter if you're feeling fat, broke or unwell, the sunshine has a way of making you appreciate the beauty of your surroundings. 

I've managed to pick up a cold since Monday so I'm coughing, sneezing, snotty and tired, but walking home I noticed a couple of colourful mushrooms (Street Art) on top of buildings I walk past every day and was captured by the beauty of Arnold Circus. 

Monday, 3 June 2013

Burns on the way in.....

Had a very lovely evening with a bestie tonight. We met at London Bridge for a stroll along South Bank, enjoying the last few rays of today's sun. 

The plan was to stop off for a burrito at the Wahaca pop-up shop as they are usually filling and quite delicious. 

Unfortunately for me this evening the hot sauce has done something to my tummy and I am now paying for it. 


Are your muscles healthy?

Should you ever find yourself with a muscle pain that is not just general soreness from a workout, before you head to a doctor or chiropractor take a look into Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT).

The boyfriend is a qualified specialist in this technique and he really helped me yesterday with my Body FAIL. Today I feel as though my body is working much better and we've made plans for a follow-up at the end of the week, giving my muscles time to recuperate because it is essentially a work out.

Before I met him, I'd never heard of MAT. I dislocated my left knee when I was 20 and never received any physio for it. Since then I've suffered from lower back pain.

Last Easter I was in so much pain from my back pain that I could barely walk. I had to take time off work and I was popping Ibuprofen like they were Nestle Smarties. The boyfriend was still studying so he convinced me to visit his friend for MAT. Even though after the session I could move easier, I wasn't truly convinced until months later I realised that I'd not had any problems with my back since.  

It works by providing a system of checks and balances using resistance, allowing trainers to evaluate and determine any muscle inhibition. It is a specific technique designed to improve muscle function, which in turn can reduce the risk of injury while also speeding up the body’s ability to recover from injury - By the way guys, I totally got that from the website. There's no way I could explain it myself that succinct. 

You should do it regularly though. Like most things with me, I remember to go back when I really need it - niggling pain in my hip or knee, or like yesterday a total body shut down - instead of going on a regular basis to prevent injuries. What can I say, I'm an idiot.

Anyway, if you're interested in learning more, please click here. If you're in pain, interested and want to find your nearest MAT practitioner, please click here.

And um, not because I'm biased but if you're in the Liverpool Street (London) area and need it, want to try it or just talk to someone about it, contact these guys - Integra

Go me!


At 30, I'm not old. Well, when you're under 25 I suppose 30 seems ancient but now I'm here, I am not old. So why is my body starting to fall apart?!

This weekend I got dressed up as an Avatar for a friend's 30th - I promised you a pic so here it is (eek)
I know, I know, I look like a twat but that what fancy dress is for!! 

Anyway, back on topic, obviously I got pretty drunk. I tumbled into a cab at about half past three in the morning, somehow was sober enough to wash ALL of my make up off before bed and then I promptly fell into bed STARKERS because I just couldn't function anymore to put on my PJs. 

Sunday morning brought with it glorious sunshine and horrendous body issues! WTF?! No hangover just a body that felt as though I'd been run down by a train, followed by a truck and swiftly beaten to a pulp by the Hulk. My throat ached, my nose hurt, I was suffering from an awful neck pain, shoulders ached, and my legs felt like dead weights.   

When did going out for a night of drinking, fun and dancing mean ending up in that state? 

I am not prepared. I guess my next online food shop will include more paracetamol and apparently some Deep Heat - good god!