"Because I need to feel loved I allow myself to be used, just so I can feel something."
Lying awake in the dark, I listen to the traffic in the street below and your accompanying snores. I feel like with every breath you take they get louder.
Another night of very little sleep and yet I'm just glad I'm not here alone.
You turn and slip your arm around my waist. This is what I crave the most, the warmth of you beside me but it seems to come in short supply.
What really gets me is the way you can practically ignore me all week and then be someone completely different when we're alone.
When my counsellor talks of me needing to let down my guard, these are examples of the moments I keep those walls up for because if I made myself vulnerable to you, I'd be in pieces.
Am I the reason you act so cold? Did I set us down this path, and you're just reacting to me?
Your softer snores are almost endearing, as you nuzzle my neck and pull me closer to you. Is this how you really feel? Your unconsciousness betraying you as you sleep.
I am completely confused by your presense in my life at the moment. I flit between being annoyed with you and wanting more of you.
As the sun rises, you will stir and I'll come face to face with the other you, the one who barely meets my eye and makes me feel uncomfortable and unwanted.
Can you see why I distance myself further from you?
All these secrets are silently eating away at me. I recall this was supposed to be fun but I'm definitely not having fun anymore.
Then you will call me, and all these questions will melt away until you are sleeping soundly and I'm staring at the ceiling in the dark listening to the traffic in the street below and your accompanying snores.