Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Time To Take It Seriously

Money has always been my biggest weakness. I'm useless with it. As soon as it hits my account, it's gone... doesn't help that I have an addiction to eBay.

I want to save but the things I want to experience cost money.

I have to make peace with the fact that I will never be in a position that I will be able to afford my own home. It's something you really need to start to save for early on, something I wish someone had made clear to me in my late teens.

So this year I've made the decision to invest in my education and life experiences. I've finally found a job that I enjoy and it marries most of my interests.

It's time!

I'm not getting any younger and time just seems to be slipping through my fingers scarily fast.

In two months the lease will be up on our flat and there will be two options: our rent will stay the same and I'll stay or I'll have to move.

As much as I want to get out of London I have finally built up the momentum where I could learn and experience a lot (professionally). I'm not sure if that means staying in my current role, although I'd need to continue REALLY shaking things up, or seek other opportunities.

I've felt myself slip into a bit of a lull recently and I wonder if that's because I've not had a proper break since Christmas. I'm second guessing myself every day. I'm at a point where I feel like I want to just escape it all for a while.

I think I need to refocus. I've got my next coaching session on Saturday morning and I feel like I should reduce the time between sessions for the next few, get back that momentum I had.

One thing I do know is that come January 2015 (eek!!) I'm going to be starting my CIPD course and that will take me one step closer to where I want to be professionally. I have to remember that I'm not superhuman and I have to be careful not to overload myself but I just want to be AWESOME!!

And on that note, here's a link to a real guide on 'How to be Awesome'. I'll be following these tips religiously for the next month to see if it makes any difference.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Dancing In The Rain

Saturday morning I met up with my friend for our first Zumba class together in Camden. We found it as a deal on Groupon and needed a kick start to our Bank Holiday weekend.

Five minutes in and we were sweating, panting and counting down the hour. F**k Tough Mudder, this class was an INSANE workout! But we left feeling on top of the world, ready for Carnival on the Monday.

As you'd expect from British weather, the day I was due to dance in the street wearing next to nothing it rains.

I woke up yesterday morning after a shocking nights sleep, feeling exhausted and lazy. Having stayed over my friends house so we could go to Carnival together, we both sat on the sofa bed staring out at the bleak weather feeling less than motivated to leave the house. 

The general consensus was that we'd stay home or go bowling, but at some point during breakfast we were convinced by her boyfriend that even if we went for an hour, we should make the most of the opportunity, after all we'd paid for the privilege of dancing within a secured area, unlimited alcoholic drinks and snacks. 

Donning our outfits, plus an extra t-shirt and hoodie, we ventured out into the cold - the rain had stopped. Our spirits high, we got to Kensal Rise within 45 minutes of leaving the house. Unfortunately by the time we'd got there it was raining HARD. 

We'd took shelter underneath a shop canopy and waited for the rain to ease about 15 minutes. I was tempted to go home. In fact I announced it a couple of times. I said my goodbyes and was about to leave BUT, for some unknown reason, I changed my mind and we continued on. 

Music, alcohol, laughter and lots of dancing! 

We were soaked through but I wouldn't have changed it for the world! 

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Ready For The Road

Do you ever say you'll do something with someone and then find yourself regretting it?

I'm asking myself this question right now as I stare at the costume I'm supposed to be wearing to the Notting Hill Carnival on Monday.

I'm not in the best shape and yet I have signed up to an event where I'm expected to wear next to nothing and I only have myself to blame.

I got home and unpacked the lime green back pack I've paid for... 

Short ass shorts - CHECK
Unflattering boob tube - CHECK
Respectable over top with jewels - CHECK 
Condom - CHECK, wait what? A condom?! WTF are they expecting me to get up to on the streets of Ladbroke Grove? 

The worst thing? I have always thought I had a decent butt. However these shorts have shown me the error of my ways. I must get it from my mum ;) 

So if you're hitting the carnival this weekend, look out for the flat-arsed blue vision with tons of drunken courage! 

Sneaky peek ... 

Tuesday, 19 August 2014


I love everything about Pinterest.

I happily waste a good few hours a week on it, pinning items I wish I had, quotes/saying I wish I had the guts to say, and places I wish I could go.

At the moment my biggest addiction is pinning decor for the home I 'hope' to buy, but will never be able to afford.

I pin anything I like. There's no real theme, except comfort.

I'm a girls girl so there's plenty of floral and colour, possibly and man's nightmare but from my experience they don't even notice unless it's pointed out to them… much like dust!

So I'm following an uber cool thread on Google + called Housetohome for inspiration and get emails from Joss & Main.

I have a good idea of how I want my living area and my kitchen. Ideally I'd love a cottage, so incorporate that into my pins. I think of coming home to sink into a comfortable sofa, surrounded by cushions, neutral and calm colours, making a cup of tea on my AGA ;)

Here are a few examples...


If you're more into cool prints, shower curtains and accessories, head to the American site Society6. Absolutely love the random bits you find on there.

I definitely nest. My home is my haven. It's the place I centre myself after a rough day or a hard experience. If my home is in order, life seems more bearable.

What centres you?

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Better Than You Know


I actually made it through what was the hardest physical event I've ever done.

It was the furthest I've ever ran, I was dunked into the coldest water my skin has ever had contact with, I HAVE been muddier but NEVER electricuted. I crawled through tunnels, jumped off a 15ft plank, was the only person in my group to complete the 'Funky' monkey bar challenge, been hauled up a wall by my arse cheek... and enjoyed every bit of it.

The beer at the end of the course was quite possibly the best beer I've ever tastet and you know why? Because I worked damn hard for that beer! I was petrified at the start because even the running, which I'm more familiar and trained for, was hardcore. I never realised here heavy trainers caked in mud were. I could feel it dragged my feet closer and closer to the floor. It was like gravity was bumped up a notch or two and my body was having to fight against it, INSANE!

The comraderie, the laughs, the injuries, I felt such a high upon completition that I'm still wondering if I should sign up for another one.

The bruises on my knees and lower legs, the aches and pains in my shoulders, ribs and hip, the pure exhaustion I feel; that was 3 hours and 15 minutes I'll never regret.

So proud!

Friday, 15 August 2014


It's come about so quickly I've hardly had a second to really take it in.

In T minus 16 hours I will be starting the toughest fitness challenge of my life.

Why I agreed to do this I have no idea. In January this seemed like a laugh... the day before it, I am terrified.

There's 7 of us doing it together (4 girls and 3 boys) and some have trained more than others. I've done my fair bit but it's been no where near consistent enough, which you know from my previous posts.

I'm not going to say much more on the subject because I am literally lost for words.

All there is left to do is... SMASH THE SHIT OUT OF IT!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Back To Basics

I've let myself go a tad. I've been focusing on my professional goals and let my fitness goals slide.

Yesterday I could have gone for a run, I could have done a circuit at home, I could have done something but instead I sat on the sofa and watched episode after episode of Heroes.

I've got a scheduled run tomorrow after work and I'm in no shape to do it, which is a bit terrifying seeing as Tough Mudder is on Saturday. 

I've been put off by the gym because a guy has made me feel uncomfortable but I miss it. I was doing so well.

Barbados is a mere 10 weeks away and I need to be in better shape for it. My only option is to go all in; be strict with what I eat, NO alcohol (except at Carnival) and bite the bloody bullet and just go to the gym 4 times a week until I get my mojo back.

I can fit it all in despite me having said that I can't, I'm just lazy and have chosen to eat crap and watch TV instead of doing something that's going to get me closer to my end goal.

No more excuses - famous last words *rolls eyes*

Friday, 8 August 2014

Do what you love, love what you do

I've found it. The thing I've been searching for my whole adult life.

Not love, but a career.

I've never known 'what I want to be' when I grow up. I've had an idea or two, worked towards making them happen but it never quite felt right.

Finally, I feel like I'm good at something and I have passion for it, which makes ALL the difference.

Working with my coach I feel more focused. I have to prepare for each session and end with a goal I hope to meet in 3-4 weeks, I'm actually dedicating time to this and it feels great.

I've been putting a lot of pressure on myself to do everything all at the same time, and despite Tough Mudder being next week, my fitness has been the thing to suffer. But I'm being good with my diet and I'm walking more so I'm not completely sedentary, just wish I had more motivation to buff up the body.

But I'm happy to say that all the effort I've put into my role for the last 5 months has been noticed and I have received a much appreciated pay rise.

This weekend I need to sit down and work through my coaching goals in preparation for next week. Yes I have long-term goals but for now I need to take baby steps.

It's all happening, finally and I'm motivated to keep up the momentum.