Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Happy People

I'm back with this topic again because right after I posted the last one I had a shitty experience, which brought my mood and energy levels right down so...

Can you make yourself happier? 

This week I met a girl who had recently broken up with her boyfriend – 6 weeks ago – and she was walking on air. She told me that she’d since been doing any and everything that she’d ever wanted to do but felt hadn’t had time to do before, like late night museum visits, 11am clubbing on a Sunday, dining out more nights in the week than she should.

I could kind of relate. Since becoming single I have found that I’m making an effort to be out more, I’m more open to new experiences and I’m definitely dining out more; but am I in the same boat?

I know I’m doing all of these things because I have more time, but nothing stopped me from doing all this stuff when I was in a relationship, I just chose to spend my time with my significant other. I used to look forward to getting home after work and seeing him, even if that time was spent playfully nagging him to turn his phone on silent because he never stopped getting BBMs, emails, phone calls, etc and the vibrate annoyed me, or catching up on Inside the Actor's Studio sprawled across the sofa and each other.

He never stopped me from going to the gym, he never frowned on me going out for impromptu after work drinks, or grabbing a burrito with a mate instead of coming home for a home cooked meal, I did.

Which made me question:
Are we our own barriers to happiness? 

I’ve read up on this subject a lot over the last 3 months, and it’s the same message: The person you can change the easiest is you.

If you’re unhappy about something, most of the time your ego holds onto it and won’t let go of the fact that you cannot change it. This brings more pain that has especially to do with trying to control others or external situations.

Meh – never happy reading that crap but ultimately they’re right. My ego is bruised from being ‘dumped’, that word used to make me feel angrily motivated but now it makes me cringe. I don’t seek revenge but I cannot let go.

Anyhoo, happy people are more adaptable; they adjust themselves to accept what is not possible. In my case, getting back together with my ex. I’m at the stage of our break-up where I’m asking myself whether it’s what I truly want, or if I just miss what we had.

When we were together I never questioned what it was about our relationship that made me happy, I just knew I was and I’m glad I lived that way. I think we make things far too complicated by analysing ‘why?’

Make a change, by smiling and laughing

Research shows that you will feel better for smiling and laughing, even when you don’t feel like it! Your brain registers the movements of the muscles in your face when you smile and then releases hormones and chemicals that make you feel good. Your improved emotions will make it easier to change how you are thinking.

Positive thoughts make you happy and by training your brain to think more positively than negatively, you’ll become… happier YAY.

I read that it can be as easy as you adding a “but” to turn your unhappy thought into happier thought.

For example:
“I’m so unfit but I am now exercising and I’m getting fitter every day!” – started out as a negative thought, but got twisted into a positive thought. The result? One step closer to happiness!

If all else fails, fake it till you make it.

Let’s go get happy!

Working towards HAPPINESS - blog post 100

Well here we are, blog post 100. It should be something special. It should be something people will remember. Ultimately, it should be about something other than HIM. So I'm marking this milestone with a topic/s that is close to my heart - Happiness.

Back in June I wrote a post about LOVE and how it makes me happy. Little did I know at that point that the sun was about to set on that chapter of my life. So for the last 3 months I've been doing a lot of questioning.

What really makes you happy? 
What do you enjoy doing? 
What are your core values

Funnily enough, all this questioning fell at the same time that I was preparing for my work appraisal, which I'm having this week by the way - yes 3 months later - and I found it SO hard to answer. I trawled the Internet for examples of goals to help me form my own responses.

I've never known what it is that I wanted to do as a career.

I've had roles in Marketing, where I found my love for writing; as a Lettings Negotiator, where I realised my need to be honest and helpful to others in finding what they are looking for; Events / Programme Co-ordination in learning environments, which honed my fulfilment for helping other achieve their development goals and now I'm a Training Manager, where I aim to assist colleague reach their full potential in our working environment.

I never set my mind to follow this path, I've simply found myself in these positions. I seem to be naturally drawn towards supportive roles, which I see as requiring 'maternal' skills - not to say that these skills are not also displayed by men, just that they are usually more prominent in females.

Anyway, LOVE still makes me happy even though my present situation makes me sad - I LOVE a lot. In the meantime:

What do I enjoy doing and what really makes me happy? 

Spending time with friends, going to the movies, fancy dress with friends/colleagues, being introduced to new music, looking and feeling amazing, going to gigs and dancing like nobody's watching, laughing so hard I might fart but I definitely snort, shopping (even when I don't have the money), being able to run further and faster than the last time I tried, hula hooping, knowing I have fun times planned with great people, the sun shining, wearing joggers and a hoodie eating popcorn and drinking tea on a comfy sofa, walks in nature, the beach (UK or abroad) and finally, loving and being loved - never gonna stop x 

"We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love." - Tom Robbins

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Love and Hate

I've never questioned whether you can feel these two opposing emotions at the same time for one person; I guess I've never needed to.

It's strange. The battle can have the most bizarre effect on everything, from your health, energy levels, outlook, to the way you dress, how much make-up you apply or how you wear your hair, and the words you choose to use in conversation when talking about that person or the situation you find yourself in.

Today I'm low. I'm a lil' emotional, I'm incredibly tired and I'm just ready to give in. That lottery win is desperately needed to revive me. I'd buy a nice flat, so I don't have to deal with the ridiculous renting situ, and book myself and some friends on a holiday of a lifetime.

I must stress, I'm not relying on the lottery to solve my problems - it's just a pipe dream. In reality, I know it has a lot to do with not dwelling on it, being busy and time.

'It'll get better with time' is the phrase I hear the most, and I know that it will. It's only in moments like this that I feel like I've been terribly wronged and that all is hopeless.

I was venting to a friend earlier, got dramatic and said:
"I wish we'd never got together". 
She patiently responded:
"Well that's not good. Love is a good thing". 
Despondent me:
"Not when it ends!"
To which she replied:
"Nothing is when it ends. But at least you know true love, and now you know not to accept anything less." 

I didn't reply because all I could say is, I know how to give 'true love' not to receive it. He said he's not sure if he 'truly' ever loved me. But that's me being petty; it's also not 100% true - that's just my battered heart's understanding of what he said… it's also the one thing that keeps me awake at night and breaks my heart anew.

It'll fade, it'll all fade; and before my sense kicks in I'll probably be infatuated with another guy.

"All that's here is what you left behind (majesty), 
Slowly moving in the back of my mind (can't forget)
Take a moment to remember me (and our ways)
Make me blind so I don't ever look back"
Night Sky, Chvrches

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

I wish

I know it's not going to be immediate but I wish it would all stop. 

At first I wished I could make it better. 
Then I wished I could pretend it didn't happen.

I wanted it to not be real; moving out proved I was definitely not dreaming.

I thought we could be friends, but that only works when you're both over it. I'm not sure if I ever will be. 

For a week or two I wished I could meet someone else. 

I wish we could talk but I've got nothing to say, except those 3 words I forbid myself to utter. I won't let them escape. 

I write you texts and delete them. I write you emails and discard them. I dream of you often and think of you always. 

I wish you'd take it all back. It's just not fair.


Monday, 21 October 2013

Hair today, gone tomorrow

It's out. After a week, it's out. 

They said it would settle but you know when your body is telling you something, you just bloody listen. My head was telling me it was too heavy, too exposed, and f**king uncomfortable. I slept badly and in turn found myself being grumpy and eating sugary foods to keep my energy up.

When you've managed to lose 8lbs and been able to keep it off over 2 months, you don't want to fall back into bad habits. I look good and I feel good. Sacrificing that for cool hair… er, no! So it's back to my natural tresses, although I shall be wearing it semi-straight during the week.

Rolling stone

I'm still struggling with this room search. Spareroom is leaving me ready to breakdown.

It's almost as expensive to rent a room in my ideal location, as it would be to rent a studio or 1 bed flat somewhere a bit further out. I'm now in a position where I have to question whether comfort (standard of accom) and location are worth spending upwards of 65% of my monthly salary on rent & bills. Trying gumtree for a week.

I really don't want to be in this house when Christmas rolls around. I'm tired of my own company - is that weird? I mean I like the odd day to do nothing but relax with myself, reading of having a movie day but I still feel that odd anxious feeling when I've got an entire free weekend looming on the horizon and knowing that my Sunday spent on the sofa will benefit by having others around, just makes me feel more comfortable.

Best way to get over someone...

People are pushing me to get out there and date. Let me make this clear I.AM.NOT.READY. I'm not even thinking about that yet. Yeah the colder months would be nicer if I had someone to snuggle with BUT no, no, no. It'll happen when it happens, until then I'm fine just trying to settle into my new single status; there'll be no rushing in that department. Unless Ben Cohen (Strictly Come Dancing) leaves his wife and children ;) What a dancing hottie!

Friday, 18 October 2013

Train journey from hell

"Er, excuse me, you're sitting in my seat"

The woman I've spoken to looks up at me and then around at empty chairs surrounding us. 

"Can you not sit somewhere else? I'm all comfy now."

I'd be fucking comfy too if you got out of my fucking seat, but instead I did that English thing we do and not cause a scene.

Now I'm stuck with an older guy resting his musty smelling arse on my shoulder after he's thrust his groin in my face a few times whilst trying to put his bags on the rack above my head. 

And I'm not saying anything because I don't want to cause a scene!

It's been 20 minutes since he got on and invasion of my personal space started. If by the first station my situation hasn't improved I'm either going to snap and elbow him in the groin or I'll ask him 'politely' to move his wrinkly arse outta my face! 

One of those days

Already today most things are annoying me.
I'm too hot
My head itches (apparently it's where my scalp is exposed)
I can't sleep properly, because of all this hair, so I'm tired 
Every song that plays on my iTunes this morning is making me think of him
And, oh yeah I seem to have mislaid some of my salary this month *rolls eyes*

Luckily two things today make this all bearable:

  1. I'm going to see my favourite auntie and my grandparents 
I'm almost as excited about that last one as I would be if someone told me we'd be getting paid today!

I've also kind of found my outfit for my colleagues birthday party. I think I mentioned this before, it's a 90's themed fancy dress party and me, along with 4 others, are going as spice girls. Can you guess who I'm going to be?

Of course, Scary!

Now had this party been a month ago, I'd already have the perfect hair for it but as it happens I'm going to need to locate a wig for the occasion. I'm sorry, what? eBay, I hear you say? Uh huh - purchased for £5. Hmm, now I'm starting to see where my money is going and it's all stuff that I'll only wear on occasion... but at least I'll look bloody fantastic.
Happy Friday everybody!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Looking for a home - doing my head in

It's bloody stressful, and a little disheartening when you're not chosen.

I went to see two places on Tuesday night.

The first:
Ideal location, just off Upper Street, Islington. Reasonably priced and I should see why the moment I walked into the communal stairwell. The carpet was tatty, the stairs were worn and extremely narrow. To get the to flat in question you had to climb up 3 floors and when you got to the top, you were met with a lot of crap - stumps of a tree?! WTF?

Inside was small. I was promptly shown through to the front room and told that all furniture bar the two sofa's would be taken, as would the kitchen appliances and the double bed in one of the available rooms. The general appearance of the place screamed "worn down & worn the hell out". I wasn't initially impressed, but as I walked toward the train station in order to make my way to the next viewing I considered the pros

  1. The location was perfect
  2. The price was perfect
  3. It could do with a deep clean which I would be up for
  4. With all the personal items going I could get my stuff out of storage and make it my own… 
The flat was back in the running

The second:
It's not in the area I want to live, in fact it's more or less back where I used to live… with him. I turned off Commercial Street into the road googlemaps was telling me the flat was on. I came face to face with a group of youths (remember I'm over 30 now) smoking weeds, and it was seriously strong smelling weed, and hanging outside their flash car, which they can afford because they still live at home with their parents and pay no rent! - RANT over

I tapped in the door number at the main entrance and waited for them to let me in. I walked to the top of the stairs and found the flat was right by the main building stairs. My first reservation - noise.

As I was let in, I was greeted by a friendly male, met by another friendly male as we walked down the hall towards the living area. The tour was quick because everything was within a step away from each other. The room itself was pretty. It had everything you needed. I stayed for a chat and felt like they would be great flatmates.

Yesterday I woke up to a text to say that I wasn't chosen for the first place and I have to say, I wanted to cry. From the second I left it to the time I'd received that text, I'd built a life for myself there, surrounded by my belongings, feeling more like me again.

Then as I was about to turn off the light and go to sleep, I got a text from the second flat… They want to see me again on Saturday for a drink :) only issue is that I'm not in London this weekend WAAAAAAH!!

Search continues

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

It's those little things

I got my hair did - done :) and I think I look completely different.

It's taking some getting used to because there's a lot of it and it's much heavier but it's nice to feel different, even if it's superficial.

I sat at home last night reading some chick lit on my kindle and I had my iTunes playing a loud on random. Suddenly this song came on, I didn't even know I was paying any attention to it until I burst into tears - oh dear. And that was it. It took about 45 minutes to get a hold of myself again but for the rest of the evening my head swam with memories and I was overtaken with a new sense of loss.

It's been over a month since I last saw him - the longest time period in 2 years. I still think about him every day in some way or another but I must confess that it is getting easier… obviously when I'm not hijacked by traitorous repressed emotions. I hope that he misses me too but there is a good chance that he doesn't, and that's okay it really is because we're no longer a couple, we no longer have ties, and most importantly he's entitled to move on.

I'm currently busy looking for new rooms to rent, in fact I've got two viewings this evening, which is exciting. But I am in a bind, I'm not sure if I should tell my landlord that I'm looking or just surprise him with a month's notice once I've found a place.

I've also got three exciting weekends lined up. This week I'm off to the country to visit my grandparents where I'm also planning on attempting my first 7-10 mile run (eek), next weekend I'm going to the ARCTIC MONKEYS CONCERT, visiting the BRUTAL exhibition, have a dinner party invite for a friend's birthday and a brunch date, and the following weekend I'm dressing up for Halloween for work, going to two fancy dress parties - Great Gatsby themed for my cousin's 18th and 90's pop acts themed for my friend's 29th. And that's October done and dusted.

I'm grateful for my health, my friends and family and for the little things that make me smile every day.

If you're going through something similar, it's not hopeless but it helps to just get through each day as it comes x

Thursday, 10 October 2013

The Greater The Love

Oh my goodness.

This house-sharing malarkey can be BRUTAL. I can see how I got so upset when I was looking before. Every rejection is like having toothpicks stabbed into your bruised heart - I'm over-exaggerating here a little.

In the last week I've sent off countless emails to people with a cosy double room and a LIVING ROOM, you'd be surprised how many properties no longer have a comfortable social area so the landlords can benefit from another rental income - mini rant.

I've been invited to 4 viewings... FOUR. I'm potentially seeing a place tonight and tomorrow but neither party have actually confirmed, which rattles my cage already.

I feel ready to move on now - come on universe, help me out a little please.

We've just sorted out all bills and stuff so there's no longer any need for us to be in touch, which saddens me a little. Two and a half years of learning about someone, being close to them, shared experiences, promises, future plans... it's a shame good things have to come to an end.

I've also just logged back onto Twitter as a way to further distract myself but it's SO easy to get carried away reading a lot of nonsense. I'm following a lot of 'interesting' facts, motivational quotes, fitness blurbs but for some reason today I've been drawn to the following:

Wow, harsh but probably what I need to take notice of

Fact is, and this is what I fail to accept fully, it is over - there is NO going back. He wants the chance for us both to feel true love because what he was feeling was not enough. 

That's not an easy pill to swallow. In fact, it's so BIG a pill that I've had to karate chop it into a million pieces and each day I take a little piece and force it down. Eventually I'll get to the last piece and it won't be so bad, I won't feel so bad. 

Getting over someone is hard. 

No matter how many self-help quotes, books, articles you read or advice you take, the pain will cease in it's own sweet time. All you can do is distract yourself with lots of good stuff in the meantime. 
  • Learn something new
  • Treat yourself - to as much as you want because there is no guilt during this time. Get your hair done, get a massage or two, freshen up your wardrobe! NO GUILT. But if after you're over it you do start to feel guilty, meh, you can always sell your new stuff on eBay :) 
  • DON'T drink too much or do an excessive amount of drugs, the comedown will make it worse - I learnt this the hard way during my first break-up
  • Set yourself a goal - something fun or challenging, anything as long as you'll feel a sense of achievement from it
  • When you're ready, get out there and start dating. Okay so you might not be ready to start something new but the getting ready for the date and going out with someone you're attracted to will boost your spirits. 
As you can tell from my blog posts over the last 2 months, I'm far from over him - in my eyes he's still the owner of my heart BUT I've stopped crying. 

We're in contact, very rarely and usually about practical things, and yeah it gets me down for a while but I just do something that I know will cheer me up and before I know it I'm back on the up'n'up. 

"The time between thoughts of them will grow longer,
And the urge to cry about what has happened will lessen.
The desire to get back out there will get stronger,
Regardless of when, it will never diminish what you felt for them." 
Amy Gentles-McKie

Monday, 7 October 2013

Mucky Races?! Yeah, I did!

I did it!

And it wasn't as bad as I thought, although it took me a while to get round the course.

I had SO much fun and it's inspired me to continue running, I'm now aiming for my first half marathon. I'm heading up to my grandparents next weekend for a relaxing weekend and will attempt a 10 mile run. I've realised that as long as I'm not focused on a time, I can go the distance comfortably :)

The obstacles were a joke!

When I saw the plan for the course and I read 'trenches', I didn't think they were serious, but low and behold… massive mud dunes and deep muddy ponds, wading through a freezing lake, followed by more trenches and a mud pit that you have to pull yourself through using a rope?!

My body is tired, I've come down with a cold, but I feel absolutely amazing for having completed it. I worked hard to prepare myself for it and I definitely felt the benefits.

Friday, 4 October 2013

A Random One

This post will be a bit of a mix about everything.

Firstly,  THIS weekend will see me trudging through muddy waters on a 12k trail of up-hill runs and obstacles with my very close friend, Mojo. I'm weirdly excited but more than a bit anxious. Look at this crap!

What was I thinking?! Mojo is bringing a waterproof camera so we're hoping that we can get a few snaps during the course - you know, something to show the grandkids.

I've not run properly in over a week but I did manage a 3k jog into work with my heavy rucksack on Wednesday morning. I was very disappointed in my performance given the distance but trust me, that bag was fricking heavy! Trust me to decide to wear biker boots and wash my hair on the one day I attempt the jog.

I went to karaoke on Wednesday - yes the same day I jogged in, washed my hair at work and broke my back carrying my life in a bag - with a group of girls from work and some of their friends. I'm always terrified that I'll make a fool of myself by singing out of tune and ruining a perfectly good song but it was SO evident that no-one really cares!

This has been a big trend in my life over the last few weeks. We push far too much importance of ourselves on others; worried about what everyone else thinks of us, when really they're all worried about the same thing - what we think of THEM. I hate to do this but #GetOverYourself

I put in an earlier post that I'll most likely decide to move house, well I plan to do so when my 3 month tenancy runs out. Everything happens for a reason and I think that I needed to move out when I did to start this recovery, otherwise if I'd waited till I found or figured out exactly what I wanted, I'd still be thinking/hoping he'd change his mind instead of feeling more like my normal self - I know I've had a few blips but overall I'm doing pretty darn good.

So I'm back on Spareroom and Gumtree looking for a new home. There's no pressure this time so I can find somewhere I actually see myself being long-term.

Final thought - my colleague and I have just decided that we're going as vampire Bananas in Pyjama's for our Halloween day at work! SO excited.

Signing off - Happy Friday Biatches :) x

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Fallen off the wagon

I made myself a promise to try as hard as I could, to resist temptation...

But I have yet again let myself down.

And the thing is I really, really wanted to show myself that I was better off..

I guess I just cannot help myself.

So I'll start again tomorrow.

First with a week, then maybe two...