And you know what?
I felt as though I had NO advice to give him.
Not because I hadn't learnt something from these past 6 months, but because nothing I say will help. EVERY day will be hard until one day you wake up and it's not so hard anymore.
I'm friends with both of them. They are both trying to cope with the loss of someone that means/meant everything to them.
All I could say was:
It'll take time lovely. Give yourself the space to grieve what you had.
My only advice is to keep your distance as much as possible for now. Plus, no one expects you to jump into anything just yet.
Love is a powerful drug, it takes a while for it all to work out of your system. I'm not fully recovered yet, but I'm no longer so under Love's influence that I can't see doing what I need to do is the best thing for me right now.
Look after you and rest will work itself out x
How much of that I actually believe, I don't know but it's how I feel.
The week leading up to yesterday I found myself scouring the net, reading 'how to get over/let go of your ex' articles in an effort to keep hold of my sanity. I've been like 'if I can preoccupy my mind by following a couple of things they suggest, I'll not feel so helpless and unwanted'.
I came across this article - Different Hearts, Same Heartbreak - and I thought, yes this is exactly how it feels.
So I hope they read this blog and the one I've linked to. It won't lessen the pain he's feeling but it helps (a minuscule amount) with the loneliness because everyone feels the same heartbreak…
"Don't try to understand everything, because sometimes it is not meant to be understood, but to be accepted."